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In Voltis you are provided with a hashing Facade called Hash which gives you access to hashing functions for storing user passwords, based on the PHP native functions and algorithms supported by PHP. Voltis works with three major hashing algorithms: Bcrypt, Argon2i and Argon2id.

The Voltis registration and authentication system will by default use argon2id as the hashing algorithm to handle passwords, argon2id is also the default set within the hashing configuration file.


Voltis by default will use the Argon2id hashing algorithm, meaning PHP 7.3.0+ is required


All the configuration and default settings for hashing is stored in /config/hashing.php, please visit this configuration file to see which options you can change based on your hardware setup, suitable defaults have been selected.

Using the Hash functions

First you will want to make sure you include the Hash Facade: Voltis\Hashing\Facade\Hash

Creating a Password Hash

$hashedPassword = Hash::create('secure_password');

This will return your hashed password, something like:


Checking Hash Info

$info = Hash::info($hash);

Will output something like:

array(3) {
string(8) "argon2id"
string(8) "argon2id"
array(3) {

Adding hash create options

If you need to adjust the options on the fly in place of the default values from your config you can:

$hashedPassword = Hash::create('secure_password', ['time' => 2, 'memory' => 1024, 'threads' => 2]);

Same goes for Bcrypt if you have it enabled:

$hashedPassword = Hash::create('secure_password', ['rounds' => 15]);

Verifying a Password Hash

if(Hash::check('secure_password', $hash))
echo "Passwords match!";

When creating a password hash you can use the check method to validate that the raw string can be matched against the stored password hash.

Rehash Checking

$newHash = Hash::create('secure_password');

if(Hash::needsRehash($hash, ['time' => 3, 'memory' => 1024, 'threads' => 2]))
$newHash = Hash::create('secure_password');